Fresh Wave Cleaning Products

Have you been searching for a fantastic cleaning product? Do you have pets? What about child? Then please keep reading to find out how amazing Fresh Wave products are! 

I have 2 dogs and an infant so my house is always a mess it seems. Plus the dogs bring in dirt and end up smelling terrible it seems between walks and playing in the backyard. 

My son who of course is crawling around and trying to walk can now knock over plastic cups from the coffee table, climbs on the dogs, and does manage to have accidents that leak from his diaper (pee typically, luckily). 

The first product I’ll go over is the fresh pod. We have put this on our trash bin lid and it has helped keep the dirty diaper smell from our kitchen and house. It’s amazing and I don’t need to worry more about bad smells when the trash bin gets opened. 

The odor removing spray is GREAT for spraying daily in my house to keep it smelling fantastic! They also have a travel size so you can keep them around your house or buy full size versions for each room and use as needed. It makes my house smell amazing! Doesn’t require much either and the house is smelling good again! 

This odor removing candle smells so good. When lit, it smells even better. I highly recommend this to anyone, especially pet owners! Keep t in a safe spot where pets and children cannot reach it or knock it over though. 

I’ll be using this odor removing pet shampoo on my two dogs this weekend (or well at least the little one) but it smells phenomenal! The even better side is that it gets rid of odors caused by skunks. How rad is that?! 

These items are all HIGHLY RECOMMENDED and I will be sure to continue to purchase and use these items. I love them and I think everyone who comes over appreciates the use of them here so our house smells good all the time.